Probing Life with Photons

Label-free Chemical Imaging

We develop and apply label-free chemical imaging technologies, including spontaneous Raman spectroscopy, stimulated Raman scattering microscopy, and transient absorption microscopy, to study biomarkers of human diseases including  infectious diseases and diabetes. Representative publications:

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, Science Advances 7(2), eabd5230 (2021). [Link]

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, Science Advances 5(5), eaav0561 (2019). [Link]

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, Advanced Science 6(11), 1900030 (2019). [Link]

Multiplex FISH Imaging of Microbiome 

We develop and apply a multiplex FISH imaging technology termed "CLASI-FISH" via combinatorial labeling and spectral imaging for functional imaging of microbiome atlas in complex environment and deciphering the fundmental microbe-microbe interactions. Representative publications:

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, manuscript under review (2024).

Host/Microbe-Microbe Interactions

We study host/microbe-microbe interactions (e.g., Actinomyces with its epibiont parasite, TM7x) through array of strategies spanning from basic molecular microbiology techniques, transcriptomic/genomic analysis, to super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, and Raman imaging/spectroscopy. Representative publications:

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, The ISME Journal, wrad034 (2024). [Link]

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, manuscript under review (2024).

•  Mengdi Yang#, Pu-Ting Dong# et al, The ISME Journal 17, 880-890 (2023). [Link]

Drug-free Antimicrobial Phototherapy

Driven by my ingenue curiosity on a serendipitously observed photobleaching phenomenon, we discovered two chromophores in human pathogens, staphyloxanthin and catalase, that are photo-sensitive and subject to photolysis. These findings have become breakthroughs for the field of drug-free antimicrobial phototherapy, and opened new translational opportunities for treating superbug infections. Representative publications:

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, Advanced Science 9(10), e2104384 (2022). [Link]

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, JCI Insight 7(10), 153079 (2022). [Link]

•  Pu-Ting Dong et al, Advanced Science 6(11), 1900030 (2019). [Link]

•  Jie Hui#, Pu-Ting Dong# et al, Advanced Science 7(6), 1903117 (2020). [Link]